Utilising LIGR’s platform to produce automated graphics and run brand campaigns with Football NSW

Case Study
Design Reel


Perform (Opta and Runningball)


Sportscast Australia

Rights Holder

Football NSW


Youtube and Facebook

Graphics Workflow

LIGR into Cloudmix (Cloud Vision Mixer) - Off-Site

Streaming Encoder


Football NSW have signed a 3 year deal starting in 2019 to to utilise LIGR’s platform to produce automated graphics for over 450 games per year across their National Premier League Mens and Womens Competitions.

They are running multiple branding campaigns through LIGR’s “Smart Campaign” platform, which has seen the growth of live content from 2 to 18 games per weekend.

For this workflow, LIGR ingests Perform Groups Opta and Runningball API's to trigger the nationally themed graphics template designed and animated by LIGR's design team.

With LIGR now being deployed by four member football federations across Australia, spanning from the west to the east coast, the platform is enabling a professional and standardised solution for the member federations to work together to commercliase their largest digital asset... live football!

The response from fans has been fantastic, with significant and linear growth in audience numbers and engagement across both Youtube and Facebook channels, with future combined OTT plans in place.

We look forward to a long, prosperous relationship with our current and future member federations who come onto the LIGR platform to professionalise and monetise their live streams.


"By teaming up with LIGR, not only can we ensure our fans get to experience a professional and highly engaging broadcast of our NPL competitions, with match statistic integration and TV quality graphics, it allows us to produce more content at a higher quality that was simply not possible with traditional solutions. Since implementing the broadcast technology we have significantly increased our viewership and attracted new partners, that we seamlessly manage and display automatically in our broadcasts due to LIGR's smart campaign manager. We look forward to continuing to innovate together as we push football in New South Wales towards the forefront of live streaming capability and delivery"
Brian Meinrath
Head of Commercial, Football NSW
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